Let’s Talk Memes

Happy Monday everyone! The past few weeks had been hard for almost every investor. The market crashed and no significant movement in the financial market. Depending on your situation, you may or may not experience it directly or indirectly. Not to discourage you, but we think these memes might make you smile while planning your investment journey this week ahead.

Financial Market


  1. Current Situation of Retail Investors. The market is giving opportunity every day to buy in the dip 



  1. After the FOMC results



  1. I’m selling it. (*McDonalds jingle sound insert). 


  1. The hardest decision to make. Either to sell while the market keep crashing down or Hold it until it reach the final zero. 

  1. During bear market, all strategies seem pointless. 


  1. When there are just losses as the market crash, there will be no longer a need for capital gain tax knowledge as you are not making any profits. 

  1. The broken telephone journey behind stock market predictions. 


  1. When everything keep increasing, hence the stock market move the other way. 




  1. Crypto Memes are definitely more to research of compared to those trading tips. 


  1. Crypto had crash for sometimes as Bitcoin had crash from $60,000 till $19,999 at the time of writing. Some investor wait for slight upo from $19,000 to $20,000 and sell rather than selling it off at $55,000. It’s funny doesn’t it?



  1. The famous Crypto Investors and McDonalds Memes.



  1. Everything is all about… crypto and the crash. 


In Conclusion

The most important in investing is to grab your profit at the correct time. Thus, even the market crash, it’s your time to shine as the profit had already in your arena.


The key-takeaways is a new series by AxeHedge, which serves as an initiative to bring compact and informative In/Visible Talks recaps/takeaways on leading brands and investment events happening around the globe.


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None of the material above or on our website is to be construed as a solicitation, recommendation or offer to buy or sell any security, financial product or instrument. Investors should carefully consider if the security and/or product is suitable for them in view of their entire investment portfolio. All investing involves risks, including the possible loss of money invested, and past performance does not guarantee future performance.

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